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Showing posts from 2009

Cairo day 4 - 1st October 2009

today was changing of the guard day!...we left the grand hyatt hotel and transferred ourselves to the ramsis hilton. Now i know reading the text you might be sarcastically say oooooooh!....but its a difference i tell you! the grand hyatt was majestic! Anyways glad it happened rather than sorry its over!..the hilton is still good ta!...however for anybody coming over i definitely suggest nothing less than what here are called the five star hotels... unless you are very but very brave!! After our last breakfast (during which we tried to eat double the value:P:P) we checked ot and left the baggage at the concierge in view of having booked a private tour to the citadel and the coptic area. First we went to the citadel, Achmed(NOT THE DEAD TERRORIST)a very well read, islam loving egyptologist was our personal guide and filled us in with some political history to put us in context for the tour. AT the citadel the feature was a big Mohammed Ali (NOT Cassius Clay)mosque where we l

Cairo day 3 - 1st october 2009

Day 3 Today was quite if that’s news:P....but no I actually decided to take it easy during the morning since I was invited to lunch with the people at the conference Roberta was part I could not say no....anyway would never have!:P So the morning went by without too many adventures, a small walk around the hotel, some tea...internet and lunch Afternoon I went for another walk after which I went to the hard rock cafe next door where i became Mr. Malta!!!!...the waitress asked me where I’m from ....and the charm went off i guess!:P she gave me a chair with an electricity point and free internet.....STOP IMAGINING! ...they were both advertised as available to whoever at the door! What was not written on the door was a reminder to yours truly that this is a paying venue!...after a dose of tea and giant onion rings i realised I had no money! No plastic, no cash!....oh blye me! At 530 we were due to be off to our first excursion! Together with some other con


Cairo is quite more of the same thing till now, I’m refraining from going to museums and tours in order to go when Roberta is off work! However today i had made arrangements with the University of Cairo to be able to go there and visit student services, get to know how they work, shadow learn a bit to take with me back home! So after indulging to yet another breakfast followed by a whim at the internet to get some things sorted with my email etc off I went! The hooting of the cars has normalised to my ears by now, even though the odd one makes you think that Valletta have won over Floriana and you are right in the middle of what they call celebrations! So along the promenade, across the road.....oops that was near....but he smiled...seemed like he was actually joking trying to run me over....anyways, past the bridge, into the square and there was the large university building! Could not miss it! Large high building, facing a huge square. But when i went in i felt like im going th

Roller coaster Cairo

I have only been in Cairo for a few hours but i love it! Now I understand a bit better the various comments and ugh-ing I got from some people when i told them i was coming here but I simply think it’s all worth it. Its dirty, its fast, its hugely masculine, takes you back to the sixties but I like it! And if this is a taste of Africa, than I want more of this continent! Soon after landing we had the driving experience of our lives! Just imagine a choc a bloc traffic but moving as one whole at 70 km/h...good thing we had been on the aeroplane for three hours we got used to the speed, it was less busy up there though! Today started off with marvellous breakfast towards which I indulged with full commitment to the “Breakfast like a King” saying which i won’t continue given my dinner plans! Breakfast alone suffices to fulfil my understanding of value for money for paying a Grand Hyatt stay when one can afford it! And please note I’m only here since I managed to get a red

25 thing about me

1. I am near the airport runway warm in my car on a freezing day surrounded by a good book, sunday newspapers and a laptop without too much charge and airoplanes off to who knows where....on a sunday morning.....wonderful! 2. i love books....biographies 3. my secondary school teachers would not believe me since i never studied i read and i have just submitted my masters dissertation.....i did iy myyyyyy waaaaay! 4. I own a drum kit, if it could think it would think im its pimp...some people think im a sure im not...i think the drums is a great streess releaver though and a great tool for youth workers too! 5. i love going abroad...alone...with friends....on business...i could have been colombus im sure...but the earth seems discovered at this point....well...ill check;) 6. airmalta 9h-AEI has just landed....smooooth! 7. I believe in dreams...and need at least one constantly to make me happy and the dream get an identity crisis (i wont let it r