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Showing posts from May, 2012

14 moments for YCW's during mass

Next time you feel like mass has become a boring do, try focusing on one of these links, and make it a prayer for the YCW leader in you and those sharing the mission around the world! As YCW leaders we are called to serve educate and represent young workers. It is a mandate deeply rooted in our faith, our call to be the co-builders of God's kingdom through the church We often hear about the importance and centrality of Mass as the most important prayer, the one instance that encapsulates our faith.  What follows are notes taken during a retreat session by Mons John Marsland National chaplain of the YCW England and Wales in 2012, on the centrality of the Eucharist for the YCW experience. 14 moments during mass. 14 moments to teach and remind us how the prayer of mass helps us live up to the life we are called t live as Young Christian Workers. Points of interaction between the the mass and being a YCW. 1. The Journey to Mass. - Think of the words of C