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Showing posts from February, 2012

Do you count?

Probably you do..... but are you sure you count the right things? Albert Einstein is quoted to have written that " Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count;  everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted" Reading this quotation made my mind go in spirals. In most of the jobs and projects I've been involved in, counting has always been a crucial activity.  From highlighting figures worth counting for funders to see the worthiness of a project, to counting people to measure the success of an event to counting the blessings of being part of an experience, group or project. What we count, and how we count it often determines what we do so we'd rather be sure we count the right things in the right way! So many things to count, but what and how to count? Albert Einstein seems to have provided the short answer, I took some time to identify a matrix of four real life experiences that provide an example of: something that can be counted b

The Genius of Charles Chaplin

Just don't say ..."yeah he is right!"

Which step have you reached today?

Don't ask WHY?....Ask WHY NOT?

When you ask why and you get an answer......have a good look at the story below and change your question...ask WHY NOT?

5 core values......according to the facebook man

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg outlined five core values for Facebook, in a letter to potential investors. • Focus on Impact If we want to have the biggest impact, the best way to do this is to make sure we always focus on solving the most important problems. It sounds simple, but we think most companies do this poorly and waste a lot of time. We expect everyone at Facebook to be good at finding the biggest problems to work on. • Move Fast Moving fast enables us to build more things and learn faster. However, as most companies grow, they slow down too much because they’re more afraid of making mistakes than they are of losing opportunities by moving too slowly. We have a saying: “Move fast and break things.” The idea is that if you never break anything, you’re probably not moving fast enough. • Be Bold Building great things means taking risks. This can be scary and prevents most companies from doing the bold things they should. However, in a world that’s chan

Procrastinators clock

If you can read this....