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Showing posts from 2008

money? no problem!

With the people from Puttinu Cares Cancer Support Group thought me how while finances are important it is the power of being happy, providing happiness and believing in providence that makes the real difference in life. Pity so many are lost in a rush for money nowadays. Thanks Puttinu! BEEEEEE HAPPY!

Life is not complicated - its the people that make it so!

We grumble, we feel down, we feel frustrated and we send people here and there in our efforts to try and make life simpler! And yet we fail to do so. We want to be righteous....we actually believe we are somehow! We want things to stay as they should be.......or as we think they should be! I regret to admit that people are the ones who make life complicated. It takes so little to explain ones thoughts! and yet we refrain we expect people to SEE THE(OUR) POINT. I might be strange, silly and stupid and yet i do not mind forgetting, i do not mind explaining.... makes it so much easier. Ever thought of forgiveness? Ever thought of forgetting? Ever thought of looking ahead rather than backwards? try it.....and remind me to when i dont!

Ingrid Betancourt

The story of the release of Ingrid Betancourt from the FARC rebels in Colombia has so many seemingly parallels to a well plotted, and shot at some studio in hollywood. I would not be surprised if some of the actions and strategies used to free the hostages as explained in the international media would have been deemed too fictitious had they been part of a screen play. But as far as we know this seems to have been a real life drama. However what probably is mind boggling for some is the reasons given for not killing any of the 60 rebels even though they could have supposedly done this quite easily basing on how things proceeded. The army colonal quoted on said: "Colombian soldiers could have killed nearly 60 FARC members at the site of the planned handover,....We preferred to leave them with liberty and life because, in Colombia, we prefer life over death,". If that is a sincere depiction of facts well done all who participated in such a decision. A rare ex

zghazugh! - diska ufficljali festazghazagh 1995

taf xqed jigri? taf madwarek xhemm? kliem fil vojt u dwejjaq? hemm min jghid li l-hajja 'nfern inti xtahseb? x'ghandek go qalbek zaghzugh? int x'futur qed tara? ghadek tittama jew mirbuh? zghazugh wahdieni int bhalek ma jista ikun hadd! dak li tista taghmel int ghamlu iss' ghax ghada tar! int u jien zghazugh nistghu nibnu dinja gdida int u jien zghazugh niffurmaw l-pajjiz ta ghada Semma lehnek kull ma trid QUM MIN HEMM insa li bellghulek zomm l-imhabba u ftit genn Zghazugh wahdieni int bhalek ma jista ikun hadd! dak li tista taghmel int ghamlu issa ghax ghada tar!

Life is..

penned by mother theresa Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it.

Borma wahda....?

miktuba fl-1999 Zewg ommijiet Ghand tal-merca Filghodu Omm 1: Ara din anqas qed narafha! Gejt toqghod hawn ergajt?! Kemm qe dniehu gost li ergajt wahda minnha! Il-mama orrajt? Omm 2: Iva orrajt. Ergajna lura r-rahal. Jien biex nghidlek id-dritt ma tantx narafkom ghax hallejtkom zghar imma l-mama qaltli min hu t-tifel tieghek ghax offra lift lit-tifel tieghi. Omm 1: Eee dak it-tifel tieghek li rikeb ma Johann tieghi dalghodu? Dak hekk maghmul ta mohhu biex jaghti l-lifts lil kull min jaf u jara. Qisu taxi! Omm 2: Iva t-tifel dak. Qalli li johann offrielu lift. Nghidlek is-sewwa kont ghedtlu li johann tieghek ghall-universita u jmissu jitla mieghu imma staha jitolobulu. Ma tafx kif?! Omm 1: U le mur ara! Jisthi? Dawn mhux affarijiet tal-misthija tafx! Jien dejjem ghedtlu li johann biex ma jaghti genb lil hadd mis-sema l-isfel kulhadd bniedem ta! U kulhadd ghandu x’joffri? Omm 2: Le ghal daqshekk…

i want to be a bird

Notwithstandingall the dangers being one implies considering i live in Malta, i would like to be a bird one day. the sense of freedom they provide when they simply open their wings and glide over the invisibly strong currents that overlook us, simply fills me with......envy. However its not just that. I wish i could glide the skies, getting a better view of the measures of the real world, so as to understand better how small i am and how any thing which might seem immense, is still limited to my small proportions and capacity of viewing the whole picture. I wish i could chirp my sleeping moments in a tree, getting a glimpse of a couple of windows or more in the process। Getting a better understanding of the diversity that exists in the world we all try so hard to portray as a single faceted coin. Realizing how different we all are when we are at home, in our comforts, from when we are acting our social roles. How difficult our comforts can become to live with and how limited c