Life is not complicated - its the people that make it so!

We grumble, we feel down, we feel frustrated and we send people here and there in our efforts to try and make life simpler!

And yet we fail to do so.

We want to be righteous....we actually believe we are somehow!
We want things to stay as they should be.......or as we think they should be!

I regret to admit that people are the ones who make life complicated. It takes so little to explain ones thoughts! and yet we refrain we expect people to SEE THE(OUR) POINT.

I might be strange, silly and stupid and yet i do not mind forgetting, i do not mind explaining.... makes it so much easier.

Ever thought of forgiveness?
Ever thought of forgetting?
Ever thought of looking ahead rather than backwards?

try it.....and remind me to when i dont!
