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i want to be a bird

Notwithstandingall the dangers being one implies considering i live in Malta, i would like to be a bird one day.

the sense of freedom they provide when they simply open their wings and glide over the invisibly strong currents that overlook us, simply fills me with......envy.

However its not just that. I wish i could glide the skies, getting a better view of the measures of the real world, so as to understand better how small i am and how any thing which might seem immense, is still limited to my small proportions and capacity of viewing the whole picture.

I wish i could chirp my sleeping moments in a tree, getting a glimpse of a couple of windows or more in the process। Getting a better understanding of the diversity that exists in the world we all try so hard to portray as a single faceted coin. Realizing how different we all are when we are at home, in our comforts, from when we are acting our social roles. How difficult our comforts can become to live with and how limited certain peoples comforts are!

I wish i could fly long journeys, in company of other birds, knowing we all have our paths but are still happy to share the way there, without envying each others successes, without blowing ones own path out of proportion. Knowing that even just our being in that formation to fly provides support for the group to fly faster and easier.

Flying freely
Freely flying
Fling together

Oh i want to be a bird


:) said…
Birds get shot. Humans get shot too. Humans have funerals... birds don't. Basically, humanity is appreciated.
La petit larme said…
It really makes sense bert...I'm not the only one who has unusual ambitions :p lol but max is right as always! :D
:) said…
uxee Bertu's always right mela jien pfftt half of the time qas naf xjien nghid... ask keith i wrote dat at ZHN didnt know wot i was writing xplaahh imaa insomaa birds can fly humans can too hux ;P so might as well remain human... althoughh i'd like to experience being a bird.. nd dats prob wot Bertu meant so he right as usual ;P
Sarah Lanzon said…
me always right.. and bertu is too.. max is SOMETIMES :P and im right hehehe...
ija max birds get shot... imma mux ahjar flying and maybe shot, milli living a humane life lol

hmm.. birds can fly.. reminds me of stupid discussions :P

hmmmmm.... nice one bert... :)
La petit larme said…
oooops lapsus...loooolll okkk bertu's ALWAYS right and max is sometimes right but sa is SOMETIMES right too not always :p lol don't agree sa...i prefer being human but still, experiencing being a bird, wud be rly funky (emma/sa quote :D)! But I can use max's 'before sleeping' method for that ux max? xD

How nice, conversation on bertu's blog :D lol mikkinnnn :p

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