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Nissabbar nissakkar

Nissabbar nissakkar F'dil hajja li tfakkar Kif jghaddi z zmien berqa Jitbissem bis serqa Lejn min xi ftit bhali Jbahhar fil holm Tbissima giddieba Fuq qalb kolla dieqa Ghax taghraf Li l gagga tal hajja Giddieba Ghax waqt li bieb tiftah Ta sabar u fwieha Taf taghlaq u ssakkar u titfi Tal holma ix xemgha Li tinzerta f'riha. (loose english translation) Consoling myself Locking myself in this life that reminds me how fast time flies and gives a half hearted smile to those who like me sail the seas of their dreams A smile that lies on a heavy heart acknowledging the grip of the cage of life that opens the gates to to hope and plans but also blows out some some flames that come past its way

Happiness, Truth, Beauty and genuine Love!

World Day of Peace The First Day of the Year Dear young people, you are a precious gift for society. Do not yield to discouragement in the face of difficulties and do not abandon yourselves to false solutions which often seem the easiest way to overcome problems.   Do not be afraid to make a commitment, to face hard work and sacrifice, to choose the paths that demand fidelity and constancy, humility and dedication. Be confident in your youth and its profound desires for happiness, truth, beauty and genuine love! Live fully this time in your life so rich and so full of enthusiasm. Realize that you yourselves are an example and an inspiration to adults, even more so to the extent that you seek to overcome injustice and corruption and strive to build a better future. Be aware of your potential; never become self-centered but work for a brighter future for all. You are never alone. The Church has confidence in you, follows you, encourages you and wishes to offer you

Especially for teenagers

dawk ta thir-teen tle-teen sit-teen imma ghal dawk ta etajiet ohra wkoll!!

Uomo - a gentleman

a loose translation of the lyrics of the Italian song Uomo by Amadeo Minghi remembering Pope John Paul 2 Arriving from far with the memory of wheat fields alive in his eyes And the wind from Auschwitz alive in his heart all while he penned poems of love love that starts in the soul of all man for all mankind Arriving from far held firm by the pain and The Book in his hand When he was shot was a day i cried while all the world stood by his side that day the world rediscovered its soul the truth never dies Dressed in white he travelled the world towards a thousand lands no hint of wanting to end But in his eyes lived a deep pain the view of the world taking a different direction the wars, and mankind that sells all it can the truth that dies He went where war, famine and poverty have killed every trace of dignity Go there o heart of mine and remember ...what a Cain I am myself. The sirens of the East drew the world to a halt Something wa

Five Best Pieces of Jesuit Wisdom

The Five Best Pieces of Jesuit Wisdom I’ve Ever Heard by JAMES MARTIN, SJ  on February 8, 2012 Unlike most of the guys who write for The Jesuit Post, I’m not exactly a “young Jesuit.” I’m 51. (On the other hand, these days anyone under 90 could be considered “young” in a religious order.) But even though I may not know as much about the latest music (read: nothing) I have a leg up when it comes to experience. I’ve been a Jesuit for 23 years.  I’ll spare you the complete description of my training or “formation,” as we say.  (Short version: Boston to Jamaica to Chicago to Nairobi to New York to Boston to New York to California to New York.)  Instead I’d like to boil down the most helpful things that I’ve heard from my elders: those who have trained me, who have been my spiritual directors, who have been my superiors, and who have been my colleagues and friends. All of these

Gewwa d-Dlam

tohrogx ghax barra x-xita tohrogx u tixxarrabx tas-solitudni u -ghejja l-ghanqbuta ggarrabx tohrogx ghax barra l kesha u tiehu xi rih zgur u x-xoghol kollu li nbena jispicca, kollu jmur jekk tohrog malajr timrad u titlef kull ma bnejt kuragg, la wasalt s'issa spiccah dak illi bdejt isa, arah, qed jisbah u s-shab donnu se jzul daqt tasal kif mistenni u l-pjan ikun maghmul ix-xemx ftit ftit qed tizreg il-fjuri qed ifuh bieb gnien il-holm u l-hidma dalwaqt ikun miftuh fuq barra issa xemxi imma gewwa dlam

14 moments for YCW's during mass

Next time you feel like mass has become a boring do, try focusing on one of these links, and make it a prayer for the YCW leader in you and those sharing the mission around the world! As YCW leaders we are called to serve educate and represent young workers. It is a mandate deeply rooted in our faith, our call to be the co-builders of God's kingdom through the church We often hear about the importance and centrality of Mass as the most important prayer, the one instance that encapsulates our faith.  What follows are notes taken during a retreat session by Mons John Marsland National chaplain of the YCW England and Wales in 2012, on the centrality of the Eucharist for the YCW experience. 14 moments during mass. 14 moments to teach and remind us how the prayer of mass helps us live up to the life we are called t live as Young Christian Workers. Points of interaction between the the mass and being a YCW. 1. The Journey to Mass. - Think of the words of C

In case no-one told you.

You are not a statistic, You are not stupid, You are not “just like your sister” You are not average, You are not ugly, You are not worthless, You are not perfect, You are not a subject grade, You are not a failure, You are not like all the others, You are not here to prove yourself, You are not “the best” You are not a loser, You are not “bottom set” You are not a problem to be solved, You are not a comparison, You are not “trouble” You are not uninvited, You are not on your own…. In case no-one told you, you are God’s work of art, wonderfully made, knit together by the almighty, anticipated since the beginning of time, worth more than all the sparrows, every detail of you is known and loved, you are worth dying for, you are called to a unique and specific purpose, and you will inherit an eternal destiny.  You are not rubbish, and you never were, because God does not make rubbish. It is time…. to be fearfully and wonderfully you! You are…. Fantastic! Davi

Sins .......or Styles

Fr Peter’s pregnant silence Thursday, March 22, 2012 , by  Ranier Fsadni Fr Peter’s pregnant silence Less than a month before he entered hospital for the last time, Fr Peter Serracino Inglott preached the sermon at the funeral Mass for a two and a half year old girl, Rebecca Aakeroy. Some of the most striking and startling aspects of Fr Peter’s thought came together in his understanding of death - Ranier Fsadni Fr Peter dwelt on her smile, her curly hair, the way she ran, how she loved giving things, her love of butterflies. He spoke as though he wished he could, right then, pick her up in his arms. Her joy, he said, would always be etched in his heart, not as mere memory but as a living love that would not die. Now, that love would have to be experienced as though from behind a screen. But a time would come when it could once again be expressed bodily, in the Resurrection. Whatever reservations we may have about Fr Peter’s convictions, there are some interesting things t

Never Go To Sleep Angry -

Thursday, March 15, 2012, 13:19 , by  Alison Bezzina Never Go To Sleep Angry Six years ago I had the honour of interviewing Censu and Maria Tabone about a subject not many had discussed with our ex-President. With Valentine’s day looming, I wanted to know what made their (then) 63 year old marriage tick. One of the things that Censu Tabone advised was to never go to sleep angry. Yesterday morning, the same endearing man sat down in his armchair and slept peacefully for one last time. It was one of the coldest nights in January, not only because the temperature was at an all-time low, but also because for most, it was the first day of work after the holiday season. The mental cold shower I woke up to that morning had lingered on to the evening, and the idea of visiting our ex-President's home to talk about love, marriage and romance did not amuse me at all. The only positive thing I could see at was that least I was lucky enough to find a pa