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Cairo day 3 - 1st october 2009

Day 3
Today was quite if that’s news:P....but no I actually decided to take it easy during the morning since I was invited to lunch with the people at the conference Roberta was part I could not say no....anyway would never have!:P
So the morning went by without too many adventures, a small walk around the hotel, some tea...internet and lunch
Afternoon I went for another walk after which I went to the hard rock cafe next door where i became Mr. Malta!!!!...the waitress asked me where I’m from ....and the charm went off i guess!:P she gave me a chair with an electricity point and free internet.....STOP IMAGINING! ...they were both advertised as available to whoever at the door! What was not written on the door was a reminder to yours truly that this is a paying venue!...after a dose of tea and giant onion rings i realised I had no money! No plastic, no cash!....oh blye me!
At 530 we were due to be off to our first excursion! Together with some other conference participants we were invited to go to a sound and light show at the pyramids so we obliged!45 min trip there...45 min show....45 min trip back....but it was all worth it!
Pyramids are simply majestic!
Nothing to do with the surroundings though! Within 200 metres you get a hoch-poch of dismantled rundown buildings claiming to be hotels....(with no windows) souvenir shops....looking more like an empty dvd shop etc...Anyway reminded me of Marsalforn in Gozo when I was still a child...only much more dirty!
With regards to this together with Roberta we could not refrain from noticing certain continues sense of unfinished environment here! Miles of buildings with columns sprouting out of the roof like they had to be continued one down shops selling the same things next to each other and no clients....fruit stalls in total darkness! Ok we have seen similar situations in other cities...but definitely not to this extent! There is simply no area that comes anywhere near to a house i would aspire to live in here! And I’m not finicky on this! Also where the hell are the ladies?..and why are all the men in sort of garages with a boiler on a table...their version of a cafe!
Ah well needed a meal and got it at the risks today!


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