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25 thing about me

1. I am near the airport runway warm in my car on a freezing day surrounded by a good book, sunday newspapers and a laptop without too much charge and airoplanes off to who knows where....on a sunday morning.....wonderful!

2. i love books....biographies

3. my secondary school teachers would not believe me since i never studied i read and i have just submitted my masters dissertation.....i did iy myyyyyy waaaaay!

4. I own a drum kit, if it could think it would think im its pimp...some people think im a sure im not...i think the drums is a great streess releaver though and a great tool for youth workers too!

5. i love going abroad...alone...with friends....on business...i could have been colombus im sure...but the earth seems discovered at this point....well...ill check;)

6. airmalta 9h-AEI has just landed....smooooth!

7. I believe in dreams...and need at least one constantly to make me happy and the dream get an identity crisis (i wont let it remain one)

8. I love volontary work i think it tought me so so many of those things i might ask for early retirement from work to have time to realise them.....missions??

9. yes ill go to the missions to do missionary one day...near far who knows..but will happen;)

10. i am blessed with many but i mean many work, at home, wherever i go i discover more of them really!

11. i try to drive different roads even though the destination would be the same.

12. i never finished my sixth form studies. and i had to repaet 11 out of my thirteen final exams in form 2 to get 3rd form....

13. Listening to radio and they are playing THE WINNER TAKES IT true..but than we can all be loosers needed...the race is with ourselves!!

14. I love noise, people, company, crowds, audiences...grrrreat...but
i need silence....pure!....i once spent a week in silent retreat...will repeat one day.

15. I feel im an important part of the roman catholic church...and i know i am important to GOD even if the first part is false in all the ways it could be

16. i think EVERY person is essentialy good...even those who dont think so;)

17. i did bungee jumping.....

18. will jump with a parachute from a plane ...i will...promise

19. i hate mushrooms..but like mushrom soup

20. i love photography...need more patience though

21. i respect Barack Obama, and would like to live a hundred years to read what they will say about him

22. i think im a good team builder...and i adore start up projects

23. i always wanted to become a teacher....

24. i wish i could get all the people who i met one day in a pig square and set up a big event....and i would go on stage and say THANK YOU...nothing more...saying more would dilute the truth in it

25. i wish i could play the guitar...actually i wish i could play the concero de aranjuez on guitar.....intil i get there ill write things on facebook i guess:)


iz ziffa said…
interessanti xD bniedem determinat li jaghmel dak kollu li tixtieq qalbu... ghal min qed jara dal kumment nghidilkom li ghandkom mudell fuq min timxu xD

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