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The past week was an intensive induction into the reality of the YCW UK; a reality I'm humbled to be able to share this year with!

Indeed accompanying is always a learning experience! Some explain it as a possibility to teach, I think sharing learning experiences, makes more justice to the service.

One of the things I learnt this week is the Change formula; what it takes to bring about change.


dissatisfaction of the present  
vision of the future 

knowledge of a starting point

dissatisfaction of the present
Without sounding grumpy I must admit it seems to me that the world does reserve quite a dose of dissatisfaction of the present especially when we notice the injustices around us and the great potential to make the word a better place that is built in in our every day personal decisions!

vision of the future
Young people (together with many other young at heart individuals) are the greatest suppliers of this. However we need to be able to rope even more producers! There is no person that does not have a wish, an idea, a key to envisioning a better future. But there are quite a number of persons that have to face too many a daily reality of difficulties and challenges that might hinder even the awareness of their uniquely important role in building such a vision! We all need to help!

knowledge of a starting point
we are always at the beginning, but hey lets start!....every one.....every day....every action....every idea....every experiment....

Everytime you face the question:
  • Look at your reality
  • Think about how it could be better...if you are a believer reflect on God's invitation and promise for us to be part of his Kingdom
  • Act and make it happen



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