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When i grow up....I want to become a teacher

I am just back from a night of Life awards organized by the Comunio youth group at the MCAST Institute of Business and Commerce. Having worked with a really committed group of students at publishing a magazine with the theme of life, I went there in support of their great work and the pro-life message they continuously work to pass on.
To my utter surprise I was presented with an award myself! I will not go into the merits of such an award, all I can say is that I simply feel gratefulness and a deep sense of responsibility and honor.
In the few words I was asked to say (while still unshure this was really happening) I shared what I truly believe this award means to me, with thanks and heartfelt respect to these young people.
When I grow up I want to become a teacher. And this is not because of a great classroom experience in my school years! I want to become a teacher because of what I learnt, when I used to be asked to be allowed in the staff room! Yes, that out of bound space for students gave me a plan for my life! I used to be asked by a teacher to help in carrying piles of copybooks from the class room to the staff room, and those few moments in there thought me some things.
…..I noticed family pictures on teachers desks….I realized they too are human...thus I could be one too!
……I noticed that the teacher who served me a detention explaining how he hoped it would make me think about my actions!
…..I realized that the teacher whose exam I failed was worried about my progress!
…..I realized the teacher was so much more than I thought I knew from the classroom.
Similarly when a young person, a youth group invite me to help them out in one of their projects I feel honored of being let in! Humbled by the invitation to participate in the great experience of participating in the process of growth of these young people. Sharing their struggles and successes, their challenges to realize their talents and strengths….their sacred task of believing in….themselves…their potential…the great person they are meant to be!
Their projects are for me like a pile of copybooks through which; as much as my teacher used to make me feel trusted (and a bit more of a grown up too!) i feel invitied to an awe inspiring experience: that of a young person realizing what great potential lies within him/her!
That’s the great thing youthworkers experience in their profession! We can never impose ourselves! It simply does not work that way! Young people invite us…such an honour!
Thus the award I got tonight is for me like a perennial pile of copybooks to remind me, that although the worldly texts images and noises might choose to thwart of positivity and greatness of being a young person, I have to responsibly remember that every single young person is a great work in progress. A human being; enthusiastically, with some difficulties and challenges, but with equal courage and faith; becoming a more refined image of His/her creator.
In this regard, thanks to Ivana, Kim, Jessica, Marylyse for reminding yourselves (and indeed accepting me to share in the experience) what great potential you hold within you, how greater it becomes when put in team work, how good it feels when all this is put freely to the good of our families communities and society at large! May this be just the beginning. Never stop believing!
To COMUNIO for providing an example to many about the importance of investing in studies and thewisdom to balance that with a free and outward social responsibility!
To Mr Josef Buttigieg and Ms Yvonne Pulis for the vision, courage….and im sure strength against odds…to see their administrative roles in directing a vocational institute as much more than an office job…indeed working closely with the creator in helping the butterfly out of the limiting pupa!
To all those young and young at heart who doubt their potential…may you be reminded that if its still all hidden….ahhh well... you must be like a great well aged bottle of wine!
….but hey its time to celebrate and share it with friends! Cheers;)
thanks to all


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